Monday, December 12, 2022

Future Interests: The Basics

Learning future interests is a grind. But begin here: once you know which future interest attaches to which present possessory estate, you're on track to answering these questions correctly:

x -> y so long as y farms the property. 

y has a fee simple determinable; x has a possibility of reverter.


x -> y but if y does not farm the property then x will re-enter and reclaim it.

y has a fee simple subject to a condition subsequent; x has a right of re-entry.


x -> y for life.

y has a life estate; x has a reversion


x -> y for life and then to z. 

y has a life estate; z has a remainder.


x -> y so long as y farms the property and if y does not farm the property, then to z.

y has a fee simple subject to an executory interest; z has an executory interest. 


One last tricky one:

x -> y so long as y farms the property and if y does not farm the property, then to z so long as z farms the property. 

y has a fee simple subject to an executory interest; z has an executory interest determinable; x has a possibility of reverter. 

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