Tuesday, July 23, 2024

MBE Tip: Strategy

The NCBE has decided on the order of the 200 (175 scored) MBE questions that you’ll see on the day of the exam. But you’re the captain of this ship.

That’s to say, you want to see every question on the exam before you get hung up on the especially tricky ones. Probably the worst strategy would be to feel obliged to spend extra time on some difficult questions and then miss a few easy questions at the end because there simply wasn’t enough time to work through them. That’s not good MBE game playing. Instead, if you come to some random question testing the difference between cooperatives and condominiums (for example) or a Civ Pro question that’s so long it could be made into a movie, pick an answer and mark it down as a question to do once you’ve seen every question on the test. Essentially, let the hardest questions be the questions you do once everything else has been seen.

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